coed4.txt The COED Pt. 4 By Katherine Alicia Harrison Over the next couple of days after Cindy and I arrived at State, we got settled in. Cindy didn't push me to hard over the first few days and seemed to let me become more acclimated to my new role. We got set up with Cafeteria passes, Student I.D.'s and all of that other type of stuff. Cindy even got a copy of a fake license correction form put through that changed the name and gender on the state records that enabled me to get a new Picture I.D. drivers license, although I got so nervous at the Motor Vehicles office that I ended up getting sick in the ladies room. The way that I looked was like the majority of girls on campus and Cindy was in the minority. I wore my "State" sweats, jeans and loose shirts, just like most of the girls in the dorm. Cindy was the one to wear the more sexy and feminine clothes and was always needling me to try some new make up or one of her new outfits. I was starting to feel more secure and willing to go along with this as I gained more confidence that I could fit in, as long as I didn't have to try too much too soon. Cindy seemed to recognize this and didn't push me too hard. Classes started on Thursday morning and my schedule was a killer. I had 8:00 classes every morning but Fridays. Several computer labs and one night course in information science on Wednesday nights. All told I was carrying 20 credits, more than almost anyone in the dorm. I slowly got to meet some of the other people in the dorms. Lori and Megan were in the room next to us. Lori was a nursing student and was a gorgeous brunette, she looked much older and sophisticated than the other freshman girls. Megan was a partier, a little chunky and had wild short, bleached blond hair. She wore really funky clothes and made me laugh alot. On the other side of our room was Andrea and Christine. Andrea was a business student and was not always the friendliest, she seemed kind of aloof. Christine was a Computer Sciences major, like me and was very quiet. Cindy said Christine could be pretty if she tried more, I thought that she was kind of pretty, Cindy said, "Jen your alot prettier than she is." I was both happy and embarrassed to hear that. "Andrea was just a bitch," and as Cindy would say, "Nobody would bother looking at her anyway." Although I thought she was very pretty, in a preppie sort of way. The other side of the hall were mostly guys. Don and Robbie lived on the one end of the hall, next to them Fred and Salmi. Fred was the text book nerd! As a matter of fact, as Cindy constantly reminds me, he was alot like what I was like. (Fred is a living incentive for me to become a full fledged woman) Salmi is your stereotype Indian, the type that you usually find in 7-11's. He doesn't even attempt to break the stereotype, even when everybody busts on him. We've never seen the two guys next to them, Cindy thinks their dead. It must be from smoking too much grass, because the hall by their room reeks of it. Next to them were Al and James. Al is a basketball player, almost 6'6" and never is without a ball, I think it was part of him at birth. James is a drama major and James is where I have a little problem. On Tuesday night, Cindy and I stayed up late watching Casablanca. I was the only one in the world who had never seen it before, according to Cindy. After the movie was over it was after 2:00am and I was exhausted. I fell fast asleep and started dreaming. In my dream, I was kissing Rick goodbye at the airfield, when I looked into his eyes, IT WAS JAMES I WAS KISSING! I woke up with a start. First, it was the first time I had ever dreamt I was a girl. Second why James? He was a very good looking guy. Cindy said he was too short, although anyone under 6' was too short for Cindy, James was about 5'10". He looks alot like Kusak on L.A. Law. It scared me a little to find myself acting this way. I guess some of my actions are almost unreal these days, while others, even dreams, are awaking me to the reality that I am living a life of a girl. Joan and Veronica are next to them and Joan is wierd. She is a delayed flower child or something, a real throwback to the sixties. She is never in the dorms anyway, she usually stays off campus with her Hippie boyfriend. Veronica is a cheerleader with Cindy, although I don't think they like each other, it's the competitive thing you know. Veronica's boyfriend stays over alot. Cindy and I laugh because they try to be so discrete sneaking into the room at night. Veronica is a screamer, in other words, when Jay, her boyfriend, is screwing her, she screams out loud. Cindy says she could wake the dead. Megan does a great Veronica impression that has us all in stitches. The last room at the end of the hall is the Japanese guys, Yoshi and Hero. They are a story for another time. Anyway on Thursday I went to my classes. I had a Freshman English class, English Lit. 101, with Professor Jordan. He was an older professor who read Shakespeare for the entire class period. A little hard to take first thing in the morning. After that I had a computer lab. This was way below my level, thank God the grad student, Alan, recognized that I should be doing more elevated work and talked Dr. Royce, Dean of the Computer Sciences school, to allow me to take the grad level lab next door. Alan is a little nerdy, but kinda nice. I was off in the early afternoon and had a Math lecture from 4:00-5:30 then I was done for the day. Friday I had classes from 10:00 to 4:00 straight through. It was tough to get around. The campus is so big and the buildings are not all in the same area, I have to take the campus shuttle and its not always on time. Friday classes were finished and when I got back to the dorms, Cindy was in the room waiting for me. She was bound and determined to get me dressed up for my date that night. I convinced her to let me off the hook because it was my first time. She said, "At least let me make you look a little better." I said OK, and she started in. I took a long hot shower and washed my hair. I got out and put on my short silk robe. My perm had been loosening and began to look more naturally curly. Cindy combed my hair back away from my face and started in on my makeup. First I was given a dusting of scented powder all over me. Then Cindy spent more time than usual with my foundation, getting the look she wanted. She then went to work on my eyes. She spent some time plucking out some additional eyebrow hairs, was that painful, until she got the arch thin and high. A copper shadow and deep dark brown eye liner and mascara in great quantities were put on my eyes. She then outlined my lips far beyond their usual outline in a red lip pencil and filled them in with RED! lipstick. She said, "Jen dear, don't pout tonight. Robbie will come in his pants thinking of what those sensational lips of yours could do to him." I blushed bright red with the thought and began to have another anxiety attack until Cindy calmed me down. She promised no more jokes. She filed and shaped my nails, which had grown during the week. I had found them to be a little difficult to use on the keyboard of the computer, but not too bad. Cindy put on a matching red nail polish on them and gave them two coats. My hands were looking quite feminine when she was done. She then did my hair and after a weeks supply of hair spray and almost singing my head with the blow dryer she was done. My hair was full, high upsweep in the front, curls framing my face and a cascade of curls down the back. I looked in the mirror and another person was staring back at me. A sexy voluptuous woman, ME! I couldn't get over it, I was enjoying this. Cindy laid out my underwear and I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw what she laid out. A black bustier/corset, a pair of black lacy bikini panties and black lace pantyhose. "No Way" was I going to wear them. Cindy convinced me that I needed the support of the bustier to hold me in. The panties would not leave a panty line and the pantyhose were to be worn because of the shoes she was having me wear. I reluctantly agreed and she helped me get dressed. First I put on the bustier. It was boned and took a little maneuvering to get me all into it. By the time she was done, my waist was nipped in and the cups of the bra were filled with my silicone inserts. Cindy said, "We've got to figure out a way to fill you out more naturally, I will have to see about that." I wasn't paying much attention, I was just trying to breathe from the corset. My device was put in place, hiding my male anatomy and I pulled the panties up my smooth legs. I then stepped into the pantyhose. They were a pretty lace pattern and made my legs look so sexy. She wanted badly to get me into a skirt, that was pushing it a little far, and settled on a pair of black pleated slacks and a red, sleeveless, angora sweater with a very wide neckline. I didn't realize until after I was dressed that the top was to be worn off the shoulders. Thats why she had me wear the bustier. I felt very exposed with my shoulders like that. Finally I stepped into a pair of black kidskin pumps. They had a 4" heel and bows at the back. The pants gathered above the ankle, my feet looked so sexy with the lace stockings in the high heals. Cindy gave me a wide black leather belt with a bow on the buckle and a matching purse. I'm still finding out about things she bought for me. I wore a little gold necklace with Cindy's ruby drop pendant and a gold bracelet. Cindy got me to take out my gold studs and wear large hoops that she had bought. They felt strange on my ears. But in the mirror, WOW!!! I was all woman. Cindy didn't let me wear my glasses, she said my eyes were too pretty to ruin them. She insisted that in the next week I be fitted for contacts. I stood there looking at myself for almost half an hour while Cindy finished getting dressed. She wore a black minidress that was worn off the shoulder just like me and the same black lace pantyhose and black pumps as I had on. She liked them so much, she bought two pairs. I looked much better than I could of ever imagined, but Cindy was a total knockout. She didn't wear a bra and it was quite obvious. I actually found myself becoming jealous of her, I wanted so badly at that moment to be able to look like her. I couldn't believe what I was thinking. We met the guys outside of the dorm. Rob was wearing docksiders, chinos and a golf shirt, he looked so preppie. Don wore his usual button down shirt and jeans. We said hello and a rush of anxiety came over me. I was going out on a date with a guy! I was so nervous, my knees were knocking. I had never been on a date before, even as a guy. Who would have ever guessed that my first one would be in high heels. Cindy asked Don to drive her car and Rob and I got in the back seat. It was tight, Rob put his arm back and it ended up around me. I was having a hard time with this. We ended up going over to Chesters, a local campus hangout. They had a band tonight and they were going to start up after dinner. We grabbed a table and Rob was quite gallant with me, I began to relax a little and ordered a glass of white wine. We started talking and I got more and more relaxed. We ordered dinner and I was careful not to get off my diet, Cindy was being very strict with me. By the time dinner was over the band had set up and started on a set of dance music. Cindy and Don got up right away and Rob and I sat and made some small talk. He was quite nice, I liked him. It got too loud to talk and Rob wanted to dance, I tried to maneuver out of it, but I couldn't. The first time you dance in high heals is an experience. I had a lot of difficulty, particularly since I never danced in ANY shoes before, much less 4" pumps. Robbie was very nice and beared with me. I was glad when the set was over and we went back to the table. As soon as I got there, I downed another glass of wine. I was starting to feel no pain. We talked some more and I drank some more, I was having a good time. Robbie liked me and I liked him. He was kinda cute. The band started up again and he pulled me out onto the dance floor. They started with a slow set. I was relaxed, but not this relaxed. They started playing Always and Robbie pulled me close to him. At first I was a little standoffish, but as the song went on, I became a little more relaxed. I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head on his shoulder. He held me closer and his hands wandered to my bottom. I felt him stiffen against me and it was a little unsettling at first. I was exciting him, he wanted me, AS A WOMAN! His hands caressed my rear and he kissed me on the cheek. I looked up to him and stared right into his eyes, I was totally entranced by him. All of a sudden he pulled me close and kissed me deeply. At first I did nothing, then I resisted slightly and finally I found myself kissing him back. We stopped when the song was over, and just looked at each other. I was weak in the knees. I just kissed this guy and liked it. What was happening to me. The next songs were party tunes, one after another. We danced every one. By the time the band played Shout, I was a wild woman, dancing like crazy. We were both having such a great time I didn't want to stop. What a night! Cindy came over to me and said we should go powder our noses. I followed her to the ladies room and we were like two giggling high school girls. She wanted to know everything, all of the details. I told her everything and she went crazy. She couldn't believe that he kissed me the way he did and that he seemed to like me so much. I had to break up our conversation because I had to pee. I had too much wine in me. When I went into the stall and maneuvered myself into position, I thought to myself that pantyhose must of been invented by a man, because no woman would have invented something that would be so difficult to maneuver in on the john. Anyway, I came out and fixed my makeup, I needed to replace a substantial amount of lipstick. I found myself, with Cindy's help, to be getting better and better at makeup. When we returned to the guys, they had ordered us more wine, I joked that we were being "plied with liquor", Cindy thought that the comment, coming from me in particular, was hysterical and laughed out loud. We danced until closing and drove back over to the dorms. Robbie put his arm around me and I sat close to him for the ride home. He was strong and made me feel so tiny under his arm. He played with my hair and traced circles on my bare shoulder. I was getting more and more excited and more and more nervous at the same time. He wanted me and I WANTED HIM!, but I know it could not happen. We got back to the parking lot near the dorms and parked in the back. Don and Cindy got right into it in the front seat, kissing and hugging. Robbie looked at me and touched my cheek. I couldn't hold back and reached up and kissed him. Soon he had pulled me on to his lap and we were sucking on each others tongues and caressing each other. Robbie reached down and put his hand on my right breast. I knew what he wanted and as much as I wanted to at that moment, he wasn't going to get it. I pushed of him and whispered in his ear, "I'm not going to give you all of the goods on our first date." He was not as disappointed as I thought he would be and asked if there was going to be another date. I said that there would be if he asked me. So we made a date for Saturday night. I couldn't believe what I was doing, but I was enjoying myself doing it. We got Cindy and Don to break it up in the front seat and the guys brought us back to the dorms. I thought I was going to be without a roommate for the night, but Don and Robbie kissed Cindy and I goodnight and said that they would see us tomorrow. When we got back to the room, we both squealed out loud. Cindy seemed as turned on by the fact that I was making out with Robbie as she was by making out with Don. I was finding out what it was like to be a woman. I loved it. I had no idea how I was going to keep it up, but at that point I tried not to think about it. I felt so great, I even wore a sexy black lace baby doll to bed instead of my usual nite shirt. Cindy and I sat up and talked for another hour. She told me that I should relax and let things happen. To my disbelief, she thought that Robbie would like me no matter what kind of girl I was. I never thought I would let him find out. I fell asleep thinking about Robbie and how much I wanted to feel him as a woman would. How I would make love to him.